Sunday 28 February 2010

A tribute to Grandpa and Grandma on the eve of
the 228 incident 1947

Grandpa and Grandma’s marriage wasn’t an arranged one – which was a novelty in their time (early 1900’s). They met in Tokyo in the Taiwanese students’ community – he studied economics, she dentistry. He graduated with a first class degree and went on to become the first graduate from a colony (Taiwan was under Japanese colonial rule 1895-1945) to hold a senior position in the Japanese government at the Department of Finance. Grandma never finished her degree.
Grandpa gave up a high profile, well paid job in Japan to return to his homeland where he pursued an extraordinary ambition he had to become the pioneering educationist for the Taiwanese. His dream to establish a first college was cruelly destroyed during the ‘White Terror’ period.

Grandpa was kidnapped at gun point by KMT secret agents and incarcerated for 100 days. They pressed him to admit to crimes he had never committed. Never once under such extreme circumstances did Grandma ask him to stop – she supported him with incredible strength and courage despite the difficulties and hardship of bringing up three children and a constantly absent husband. Grandpa knew – he owed her.

Grandpa was incredibly composed when Grandma died. He wanted her to go before him – he couldn’t bear the thought of her coping through a lonely life without him at her side. Gandma died in a coma in 1993. She never had to experience the pain of the thought of leaving her loved ones behind, she would have hated it.
Grandpa lived a further 9 years, I saw him a few years before he passed away. He was in a joyful and relaxed spirit about life in general, though we all knew it was more about death. He had been waiting patiently with earnest devotion to join Grandma. It would have been the end of his journey through this disturbed life, but a brand new one in the next with his beloved wife.
Miss you Grandpa, Grandma – you are a blessed couple. And you are with each other now for eternity…

Your most privileged xxx
February 27, 2010

“Formosa Betrayed” a movie about the 228 event and the “White Terror Era” in Taiwan now shown in US. (Trailer link)


  1. What a beautiful first post! Welcome to the blogging world, Katy.

    I miss my grandparents too x

  2. Nicely done. Beautifully put. Another blog to add to my RSS reader.

  3. MiMi,Steve

    Thank you so much for your kind words. Much appreciated!

